월간 보관물: 2016 3월

About The Division of North and South Korea

  1. What is the Key essential nature or point of disequilibrium causing the division of North and South Korea
    • Colonized by Japan (1909-1945)
    • Japan lost the World War II and Korea became independent
    • China, Russia, U.S.A, U.N supported trusteeship on Korea.
    • China and Russia started to rule North Korea with communism, while U.S.A and U.N started to rule South Korea with democracy.
    • Lots of  fighters for independent opposed to trusteeship but Korea didn’t have a chance to be reunified.
  2. what first step(s), if any, might be taken to accomplish a final resolution of meaningful change and mutual benefit?
    • North and South Korea should understand each others’ cultures.
    • Need to be emic, so that discord doesn’t occur between North and South
    • Hold some meetings like North-South Korean summit
    • Have economic cooperation for each others’ development


Korea has been divided in North and South for more than 50 years. There are lots of people who hoped to see the reunify of Korea, but many of them passed away without seeing the reunify of Korea. There were only two countries which were divided, Germany and Korea. However, Germany was reunified in 1990. They also have lots of difficulties and troubles between West and East just like the present Korea. However, both East and West put a lot of efforts to reunify. They tried to understand each others’ differences, and solve the problems one by one in calm and orderly.

To sum the history of division of Korea, it all started from the colonization of Japan(1909-1945). At this time, all citizens in Korea have one hope, independent of Korea. However, Japan lost the World War II because of two nuclear bombs which dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So Korea became independent in 1945, but the world powers claim that Korea needs trusteeship to restore and develop Korean society after the war. Lots of fighters for independent opposed to trusteeship, but the voices of them were not listened. China and Russia started to rule North Korea with communism, while U.S.A, and U.N started to rule South Korea with democracy. As a result, North and South got different ideas, and the discord between them became bigger.

It seems incorrigible to reunify Korea again, but I actually think the most essential problem between North and South is “misunderstanding and discord between them”. To solve this problem, North and South should understand each others’ cultures by hold lots of events and campaigns to be closer to each other. We also need to be emic, so that discord doesn’t occur between North and South. If we got the ability to be emic on other’s position, it would be much easier to understand the other. Holding some talks and carrying out policy like North-South Korean Summit and the Sunshine Policy frequently. At last, most of the people know that North Korea is poor on economic part, but they actually contain lots of variable resources that South doesn’t have. So we also need to have economic cooperation for interaction


North and South Korean flags

citation: http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2012/jul/26/country-names-north-south-korea

The story and the poem of my name

Hyunsuh Kang 강현서(姜現瑞) 


<Explanation of my name>


My name is Hyunsuh Kang. My name is composed of Chinese characters. ‘Hyun’ stands for the word which means ‘bright’, and ‘Suh’ stands for the word, ‘lucky’. To tell you about my last name, I got ‘Kang’ as the last name from my dad. One of my ancestors is famous general in Korean history named, Gam Chan Kang. He was active in the Battle of Kuju and led soldiers to win the battle. I’m very proud to have ‘Kang’ as my last name. I love what my name means and I’m going to do my best to let the people around the world remember my name.



<Poem of my name>


Title: Feeling of being called Hyunsuh

Feeling of being called Hyunsuh

is very friendly

like the taste of the dinner my mom prepared for me,


Feeling of being called Hyunsuh

is very comfortable

like the sound of Asmr that I listen to before I go to sleep


Feeling of being called Hyunsuh

is very happy

like the moment I watch the concert of One Direction.


<Questions and comments I got from Chaemi Oh>


The picture you drew easily reminds me of the definition of your name and I like your writing style.



  1. Why angel?

    • I drew angel, because I thought that angel contains both ‘bright’ and ‘lucky’
  2. What is the specific meaning of hanja?

    • 姜(Kang) means nothing actually, it’s just used as the last name.
    • 現(Hyun) means ‘bright’ as I mentioned, so I think my parents put this hanja in my name, because they wanted me to grow bright maybe
    • 瑞(Suh) means ‘lucky’!
  3. Why do you feel friendly of your name?

    • I think it is because I’ve been called Hyunsuh for entire of my life!



-reference: http://www.clipartbest.com/clipart-niEpo76iA


MASS Media links

1.”Hospital of the Future.” Koreatimes. 20 Mar. 2016. Web. 21 Mar. 2016. <http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/03/668_200720.html&gt;.

=> Liberal


2.”Holograms Enrich Pop Culture Content.” Koreatimes. 18 Mar. 2016. Web. 21 Mar. 2016. <http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2016/03/201_200680.html&gt;.

=> Liberal


3.”N. Korean Leader Observes Attack Drills.” Koreatimes. 20 Mar. 2016. Web. 21 Mar. 2016. <http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/03/485_200738.html&gt;.

=> Conservative


4.”Greenland Eager to Attract Koreans.” Koreatimes. 20 Mar. 2016. Web. 21 Mar. 2016. <http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/03/176_200734.html&gt;.

=> Conservative



citation: http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.11606/pub_detail.asp

My First News Commentary

Issue that I chose for the commentary

: This House Would Ban Animal Testing


  1. Trull, Frankie L. “Animal Testing and Its Gifts To Humans.” Wall Street Journal, 23 Apr. 2015. (Liberal)
    1. About Article: The article is actually opposing to ban animal testing. It’s about the examples of helps and gifts that animal testing gave to human. First of all, animal testing helps researchers to find a treatment to cure Ebola.(Trull) Secondly, it also helps to find a way to cripple aggressive tumors.(Trull) Thus, this article is saying that animal testing is indispensable when it comes to medical research.
    2. My Opinion: I actually approve that the animal testing should be banned. To dispute the article above, I’ll claim the fact that there are lots of different experiments which can almost perfectly replace animal testing. For example, there are computer modeling, the Vitro testing, human-patient simulator, and so on. (Alternatives)
  2. “Alternatives to Animal Testing.” PETA, n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2016. (Liberal)<http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-experimentation/alternatives-animal-testing/>                                                                                                                        Fisher, Elizabeth. “Why We Should Accept Animal Testing.” The Hunffington Post UK, 17 July 2013. (Liberal)
    1. About Article: The article is actually opposing to ban animal testing. It says that there are lots of replacements of animal testing already, but animal testing still remains as the experiment which can still be necessary.(Fisher) Also, as lots of treatments which can be success because of animal testing such as diphtheria and polio vaccines, antibiotics, and modern anaesthetics allowed so many people to live full and healthy lives.
    2. My Opinion: I approve that the animal testing should be banned. To dispute the article above, I’ll claim the fact that animal testing is not only used for medical purposes. Animal testing is also used for cosmetics. Also, animals seem to be matched to human body but there are only 10% of animals which are matched, so it means that there’s a little chance of success.



  1. Rowan, Andrew. “Avoiding Animal Testing.” TheScientist, 1 Dec. 2011. (Conservation)
    1. About Article: The article approve that the animal testing should be banned. Main topic about this article is ‘Finding a new technology which can replace animal testing’. It says we should have an in-depth research to find and develop the technology.(Rowan) They adduced ‘culture human cell’ as the model of replacement of animal testing.(Rowan)
    2. My Opinion: I agree with the article above, because I also believes that there are lots of ways to replace animal testing. I think that we should not adhere to having animal testing, instead, we should research more about replaceable technology to save lots of animals in lab
  2. “Shocking New Report and Film Expose GM Mice Lab Experiments.” Animal Aid, 13 Feb. 2013. <http://www.animalaid.org.uk/h/n/NEWS/news_experiments//2815//>(Conservation)
    1. About Article: The article approve that the animal testing should be banned. This article is actually shows the videos and materials how GM mice are treated in lab. Human genetically programs mice for their own experiment. On process of having an experiment, lots of toxic drugs are injected to mice and mice struggle by the pain which is similar to torturing.
    2. My Opinion: Actually, this article is the one which helps me clearly stand on the side that claims to ban the animal testing. This video gave me real shock and made me truly empathized how awful GM mice would feel. Thus, I think we should more concentrate on finding a replacement of animal testing.

Questions and Answers:

  1. Questions from Chaemi Oh:

    1. How did you get interested in your specific topic?
      • I already had a debate about this topic before when I was in middle school. This topic was actually impressed me with lots of report that shows the cruelty.
    2. (comment) your eidence supporting your idea was convincing and persuasive and I agree with your idea.
    3. Are there any other trival article supporting you?
      • I cited one website that I already mentitoned on Cons no. 2 additionally to support my oppinion against cons.
    4. What is your biggest aspect towards animal testing?
      • I’m on the side of claming to ban the animal testing, because I believe that animals also can feel fear and pain just like human, and have the rights to life which must not be invaded.
  2. Questions from Jia Shin:

    1. What would you do if you have experiments on animals?
      • I actually don’t get what question wants from me, but I would rather find the other ways that can replace animal testing.
    2. If you don’t agree with the animal experiment, what do you think of having experiment on humans?
      • I think that’s not appropriate. Instead of thinking of having experiment on humans, I think we should research for replacements of animal testing.
    3. Why did you write about your topic?
      • I actually had a debate on this topic when I was in middle school, and during the process of finding an evidecne that can support me, I found so many shocking scenes that animals suffer. That’s the reason why I chose this topic.
    4. If your cosmetics are tested on animals, would you still use it or not?
      • No I wouldn’t. If the demand of the cosmetics which are tested on animals keeps increasing, the animal testing would be actively continued.
    5. (comment) I think your topic is very interesting and I love your detail supporting your idea.


citation: http://www.dezeen.com/2013/11/07/3d-printed-human-tissue-could-replace-animal-testing/