About ISIS

ISIS is the short form of The Islamic state of Iraq and Levant. Their activities are based on Syria civil war. To talk about a bit about Syria civil war, we should know Sunni Shia conflict. Sunni Shia had religious difference between them. That’s the biggest reason why they had a conflict. The second reason why they had a conflict is the centralization of political authority. Sunni had more authority than Shia so that Shia resisted. On this mass, ISIS occured in Sunni. Actually Sunni is one of the pretext of ISIS to build the islamic state. Lots of countries helped Sunni militarily but they started to stop helping Sunni as ISIS appeared. Lots of countries announced that we need to bring a counterattack on ISIS, but none of the countries took a step on restraining ISIS. I think we need the cooperation between countries so that we can repel ISIS from this society. image1[1]



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